Wednesday, 14 March 2012

                In my opinion I think social media has the potential to bring about real social change in our society today. We can see through many different social media sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, My Space and MSN have helped to bring people together. In my own experience social media has changed the way that I communicate with my family in Australia. I am updated with what is going on with my family and have a better relationship with them because I am able to stay connected through Facebook and Skype. Social media has brought about awareness with what is happening around the world, take for example Kony 2012. Without the use of social media and the video produced about Kony going viral we would not have been aware of his actions.
 Social media has also brought about social change to events that are going on in our society. People are creating social pages for different issues which could involve economic, political or environmental problems that we face today. I have seen on Facebook environmental pages which express how we are killing our earth. People from different parts of the world are putting their input how they feel about the issue. The way that I feel this brings social change is that it opens my eyes to a broader aspect with what problems we face.
The quote that Malcom Gladwell stated “social media are built around weak ties and real social change can never come from loose networks of people that do not know each other." I do not agree with this statement as we can see how social media has brought social change.  Social media has brought awareness to society and has great potential to continue to change social media as we know it.
In conclusion I think that social media does have potential to bring about real social change in our society. Through many different social media acts we are able to stay connected with what is going on around us. Whether it is helping to build a relationship or staying in touch with family and friends around the world social change is present. We are able to stay updated with the latest news just like most resent video that when viral which was the Kony 2012.